Thursday, June 30, 2011

To Expose as False

Mario here exposing the truth.

To expose something as "false" is the definition of the word, and the card, Debunk. It is a counter trap that negates the effect of a monster that activates in the hand or graveyard and removes it from play. Playtesting this card with 1 copy in the main deck has proven to be quite effective. Allow me to enlighten you on just how effective this card is and what cards are dismantled.

Plant/ Doppel Builds: Spore and Glow-Up Bulb will be removed if they attempt to use their effects in the graveyard. Doppelwarrior is also a target for Debunk.

Agent Fairies: Debunk nullifies Honest. Debunk will also stop Herald of Orange Light, Zeradias and Genex Ally Birdman if the build runs these cards.

Six Samurai: The only card affect by Debunk is Shien's Squire if it exists in the build.

Gravekeepers: The only card Debunk stops is Gravekeeper's Commandant. Stopping this card may stop Necrovalley from coming out.

Blackwings: Debunk removes Kalut, Vayu and Zephyros the Elite.

Water Synchro Builds: Treeborn Frog, Fishborg Blaster, Gorz, Tragoedia and Battle Fader are all affected by this card.

These are all specific cards that Debunk can stop. In the main deck this card is very effective against some decks and almost useless in other builds. Don't forget it also stops Effect Veiler, D.D. Crow and Puppet Plant. I think this card should exist in every side deck at least. Putting it in the main deck is up to you. I hope i've convinced you to rethink about this card if you looked down on it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Basic Differences Between the TCG and OCG

It's Mario...

I'll be completely blunt while writing this: Japan has more cards than us. This is common knowledge for most players and those very same players are probably very upset about this.

Fortunately Konami decided approximately 15 sets ago to release TCG exclusives that the OCG will not have right away with the release of the exact same set. The OCG has to wait a while before these cards arrive. It increases fairness a slight amount considering the OCG has been doing this to the TCG since the beginning of the game... Some of these TCG exclusives are excellent like Reborn Tengu, Gravekeeper's Recruiter, XX-Saber Darksoul and Tour Guide from the Underworld. However Konami mixed them with cards that are terrible and possibly take up the higher rarity spots that other cards rightfully deserve such as Mara of the Nordic Alfar (an ultra/ultimate rare) and Vampire Dragon (a secret rare...). I personally would be extremely pissed if I pulled Vampire Dragon as my secret rare in a box...

The TCG also started to slowly release OCG exclusives in the last 10 cards of every set. This also started approximately 15 sets ago. Unfortunately most of these cards destroyed players in the OCG before the TCG received them. Some of these special cards include Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Elemental Hero Gaia, Dark Simorgh, Archlord Kritstya, Scrap Orthros and Elemental Hero Nova Master (released in Generation Force). I strongly believe this is an injustice to TCG players. Most TCG players analyze the top OCG decks for their own strategies and possible structures for decklists. This robs TCG players of the chance to be completely unique and to start something huge since the OCG probably thought of it first. As a sidenote, I try to utilize tech cards and strategies that both the TCG and OCG have not topped big tournaments with for the sake of being unique and satisfying.

It's stupid in my opinion that the OCG releases its sets and structure decks a few months before the TCG does. It's allowing decks in the OCG to top their tournaments and the TCG can't top with the same type of deck because it's missing cards. Look at this decklist for example.

17 Monster

3x Yellow Gadget 「イエロー・ガジェット」

3x Gigantes 「ギガンテス」

3x Green Gadget 「グリーン・ガジェット」

2x Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブレイカー」

3x Red Gadget 「レッド・ガジェット」

3x Effect Veiler 「エフェクト・ヴェーラー」

9 Magic

3x Pot of Greederosity 「強欲で謙虚な壺」

1x Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」

1x Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」

1x Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホール」

2x Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」

1x Book of Moon 「月の書」

14 Trap

1x Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」

2x Dimensional Prison 「次元幽閉」

1x Mirror Force 「聖なるバリア-ミラーフォース-」

2x Bottomless Trap Hole 「奈落の落とし穴」

3x Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」

2x Solemn Warning 「神の警告」

1x Solemn Judgment 「神の宣告」

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit 「盗賊の七つ道具」


2x D.D. Crow 「D.D.クロウ」

3x Puppet Plant 「パペット・プラント」

3x Cyber Dragon 「サイバー・ドラゴン」

2x Nobleman of Crossout 「抹殺の使徒」

2x Dimensional Fissure 「次元の裂け目」

1x Royal Oppression 「王宮の弾圧」

2x Xing Zhen Hu 「心鎮壷」


1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon 「キメラテック・フォートレス・ドラゴン」

1x Ally of Justice Catastor 「A・O・J カタストル」

1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary 「氷結界の龍 ブリューナク」

1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary 「氷結界の龍 トリシューラ」

1x Mist Wurm 「ミスト・ウォーム」

2x Gemknight Parl 「ジェムナイト・パール」

1x Eviritua Mellowgeist 「イビリチュア・メロウガイスト」

3x Inverz Roach 「インヴェルズ・ローチ」

1x Vairon Disigma 「ヴァイロン・ディシグマ」

2x No. 39, Aspiring King Hope 「No.39 希望皇ホープ」

1x Protector of the Founders, Tyrus 「始祖の守護者ティラス」

This is a deck that just won a huge tournament in Japan. The main deck is playable in the TCG. However it will not compete as strongly because the extra deck is only missing 10 exceed monsters... The TCG and the OCG should carry the same release dates for all cards so this doesn't happen; it's unfair to us TCG players. Furthermore the OCG experiments with cards and hit both banlists since they are almost always equal between the TCG and OCG. The most recent example is Konami pinning Archlord Kristya to 2 before the TCG had a chance to play 3 in the tier 1 Agent deck.
Here's the final general thing the OCG has done. The OCG has made extremely great cards easy to access. Examples of this include common Dark Armed Dragon, Pot of Duality, Solemn Warning and Archlord Kristya. It is extremely unfair to the TCG that the OCG have simple access to the best of the cards of the game even though they have more cards.
In conclusion I believe the OCG and TCG are ridiculously unbalanced. It makes me upset that I can't use some of the strategies the OCG can simply because I don't have the cards. Hopefully Konami will realize what they are doing before it catches up with them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mario's Ritual Armageddon 1

Synchro monsters revolutionized this game as soon as they were released. Certain apocalyptic decks (tele-dad...) were born with the existance of synchro monsters. Exceed monsters have almost arrived in the TCG and will also impact the game in a significant way when they finally appear. Even fusion monsters are still regularly created and utilized into certain decks (Heroes, Gladiator Beasts). However the monsters that are almost extinct today are ritual monsters.
Ritual monsters require a corresponding ritual spell in order for the particular monster to be special summoned. Also monsters whose levels equal or exceed the ritual monster's level must be tributed. Basically you must go negative in card presence in order to ritual summon a ritual monster. This is the basic theory behind the current extinction of ritual monsters. T.G. Hyper Librarian, Elemental Hero the Shining and Steelswarm Roach do not minus (if all) as badly as ritual monsters do.

As an innovative, intelligent and creative player I decided to make a deck focusing on ritual monsters. I borrowed the cards from a friend and created a deck that presents a difficult challenge for other top decks today to overcome. This is a deck that I will continue to improve when the opportunity presents itself because I want to show these under-used ritual monsters some attention. Without further ado here is the very first decklist!

Monsters (20):

3 Relinquished
2 Demise King of Armageddon
1 Garlandolf King of Destruction
3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
2 Senju of the Thousand Hands
2 Djinn Presider of Rituals
1 Armageddon Knight
1 Sangan
1 Morphing Jar
2 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Dark Armed Dragon

Spells (12):

3 Black Illusion Ritual
2 End of the World
1 Ritual of Destruction
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Dark Hole
2 Mystical Space Typhoon

Traps (8):

1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Dark Illusion

Relinquished is an incredibly ridiculous card. It is ridiculously easy to summon and its ability to absorb and equip an opponent's monster is absolutely ridiculous. It can equip some of the games biggest threats to itself: Hyper Librarian, Master Hyperion, Scrap Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon!!!! It can even absorb a face down monster to clear a path. Also if your opponent attacks Relinquished while it's equipped your opponent receives the same battle damage you do. Going negative to summon this boss is unavoidable but it definitely fucks your opponent hard.

Demise wipes every card on the field excluding itself for 2000 life points. This card can dismantle complicated set-ups that your opponent worked so hard to manufacture. It's simple to gain advantage with this card after losing advantage to summon it.

Garlandolf instantly destroys all monsters on the field with a DEF less than its ATK when it is ritual summoned. Furthermore, its ATK increases by 100 for each destroyed creaure. Garlandolf's ATK is 2500. There are only a minimal supply of monsters that are able to withstand the fury of this monster. Once again it's simple to restore card advantage if you ritual summon this card at the correct time.

All of the "Djinn" monsters are able to be offered as a ritual tribute while in the graveyard by removing itself from play. Essentially this means you can possibly use a "Djinn" at least twice for two different ritual monsters. It keeps you from going extremely negative in card advantage since removing from play cards in the graveyard does not affect card advantage. The Djinn used in this deck is by far my favorite which is why it exists within the deck. You draw 1 card if the ritual monster that used Djinn as a tribute destroys a monster by battle. Drawing is good and defintely assists you in regaining card advantage.

Chaos Sorcerer, Dark Armed Dragon and Gorz exist in the deck as extra tools to wreck your opponent. They are also additionnal and useful options to have available when you can't summon a ritual monster. Gorz in particular is awesome because it creates a token which can be used for a ritual summon later.

2 copies of Dark Illusion are included in the deck for obvious reasons. The biggest monsters in the deck are dark and Dark Illusion protects them from cards like Scrap Dragon, Dimensional Prison and Effect Veiler! It's necessary to ensure certain plays occur so card advantage can be gained.

The rest of the cards are staples and I don't feel the necessity to outline their significance. This is only my first build and changes will be made the next time I fiddle with the deck. As I stated I did borrow the cards after all. Please let me know what you think about the deck.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Reborn Tengu: It Makes a Difference

Hey it's Mario again.

Today I will analyze the TCG exclusive card Reborn Tengu. It is an extremely effective card and has planted its way into many winning decklists. For those who don't know, when Reborn Tengu is removed from the field a new one from the deck replaces it. This includes many popular cards such as Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, Scrap Dragon, etc. The only way to prevent a new Tengu from appearing is by negating its summon, returning it straight to deck or removing the card from the field face-down.

This card is beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly it lures out Solemn Warning, Judgment and other cards that can negate its summon. That's awesome because I personally prefer a Warning to be wasted on my Tengu then on my Trishula. Secondly your oponent must waste resources in order to remove all copies from the deck which again are resources that won't exist when dealing with other superior cards and strategic plays. Thirdly it enables mutliple synchro opportunities if enough tuners are around. Finally if two Tengu are in the graveyard and the third is on the field you can return them to the deck with Pot of Avarice and repeat the process.

YCS Rhode Island concluded not long ago and the winning deck was Plant Synchro that mained 3 Reborn Tengu. Numerous decks also crawled up to top 16 maining 3 Reborn Tengu. This past weekend the Central America WCQ (Nationals) took place and the winning deck was Plant Synchro with 3 Reborn Tengu. The difference between the YCS and the WCQ is the availability of Tech Genus Hyper Librarian. This card existed at the WCQ but wasn't legal during YCS Rhode Island. I believe it's a fair assumption to state Hyper Librarian + Tengu = enormous advantage. I also believe that at least one decklist with both Tengu and Librarian will exist in the top 4 of each remaining WCQ.

This is one of the most ridiculous cards existing in today's format and it will dictate the remainder of the format alongside Hyper Librarian. Librarian is a mouthful for another day and that day will appear soon since it becomes legal in a week. Some duelists are upset that Konami released this card and complain nonstop. However my advice is to silence the complaints. Konami fucks up a large amount but as duelists it is our responsibility to put up with the bullshit of each format. Either use the broken theories of certain cards and strategies or strategize dilligently and effectively to dominate these broken strategies.

That's all for Reborn Tengu. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Blog Reborn!

Mario here!

It's been a long time since anything has been posted here and I am pleased to say that I (and Jon i think) will be continuing this long-lost blog!

Originally when Jon and I first started this our Yu-Gi-Oh contact pool was not as large as it is today. I've socialized with my local Yu-Gi-Oh community and this resulted in more contacts, acquaintances and friends. Hopefully this blog will attract a greater number of views since knowledge of this game has only increased since the posts stopped.

Basically the blog will contain many of the types of posts that were written before such as decklists, tournament reports, tech ideas, etc. Along with those, posts filled with theory and analysis about the metagame and format will be included as well: I like commenting on the shining pinnacles of the metagame and ranting about bullshit in this metagame...

Personally i prefer writing over creating a youtube video because I'm confident i can express my thoughts better in thorough writing. I'm an intelligent person (smartest in my class actually) and when i choose to concentrate on writing it's obvious. In a youtube video i often hesitate with my speech because i struggle with on-the-spot presentations. With writing though I can create a spiritual center of peace where i can concentrate on my work and create outstanding written work that everyone can understand. I will still post the usual youtube videos though because youtube does increase that Yu-Gi-Oh contact pool a little amount at a time.

Now without further ado it's time to talk about some tech. (This wouldn't be a good post if i didn't directly speak to something about this wonderful card game.) On my very first post i mentioned the possible uses of the card called Starlight Road. I read the blog this morning and i was convinced to main-deck Starlight Road in playtesting and see what progress it would make.

First a little backstory. My cousin came to visit my family and I from Toronto today. Him and I played a match and I would've recorded it but my fucking camera was dead. Anyway i played Plant Tengu Synchro and he played X-Sabers. Fitting in my Starlight Road we proceeded to duel.

2-1 for me

Game 1: I went first. I set a Ryko, Limit reverse, MST and Starlight road. He summoned Boggart Knight and special summoned Passhul. He synchro summoned Hyunley and attempted to destroy my backrow. Starlight Road stopped him!!! I won a few turns later.

Game 2: My cousin started by setting a monster and 3 backrow. I followed with a hand containing Reborn Tengu, Lyla, Sangan, Dark Hole and 2 Pot of Avarice. I summoned Tengu and attacked his face down Darksoul. I ended and he searched for Passhul. He drew for his turn and played Boggart Knight which special summoned Passhul. He then special summoned Faultroll. Basically he beat me that turn with 3 face down Gottoms Emergency Call at his assistance.

Game 3: I won it fast because i drew awesome and he drew shitty. I didn't get to use Starlight Road though.

Anyway, Starlight Road definitely helped that one game and I'm determined to continue playtesting with it for the time being.

That's all for my first post in a long time. Hopefully more posts will quickly follow. There is a lot to write about this format...