Monday, June 27, 2011

Reborn Tengu: It Makes a Difference

Hey it's Mario again.

Today I will analyze the TCG exclusive card Reborn Tengu. It is an extremely effective card and has planted its way into many winning decklists. For those who don't know, when Reborn Tengu is removed from the field a new one from the deck replaces it. This includes many popular cards such as Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, Scrap Dragon, etc. The only way to prevent a new Tengu from appearing is by negating its summon, returning it straight to deck or removing the card from the field face-down.

This card is beneficial for a number of reasons. Firstly it lures out Solemn Warning, Judgment and other cards that can negate its summon. That's awesome because I personally prefer a Warning to be wasted on my Tengu then on my Trishula. Secondly your oponent must waste resources in order to remove all copies from the deck which again are resources that won't exist when dealing with other superior cards and strategic plays. Thirdly it enables mutliple synchro opportunities if enough tuners are around. Finally if two Tengu are in the graveyard and the third is on the field you can return them to the deck with Pot of Avarice and repeat the process.

YCS Rhode Island concluded not long ago and the winning deck was Plant Synchro that mained 3 Reborn Tengu. Numerous decks also crawled up to top 16 maining 3 Reborn Tengu. This past weekend the Central America WCQ (Nationals) took place and the winning deck was Plant Synchro with 3 Reborn Tengu. The difference between the YCS and the WCQ is the availability of Tech Genus Hyper Librarian. This card existed at the WCQ but wasn't legal during YCS Rhode Island. I believe it's a fair assumption to state Hyper Librarian + Tengu = enormous advantage. I also believe that at least one decklist with both Tengu and Librarian will exist in the top 4 of each remaining WCQ.

This is one of the most ridiculous cards existing in today's format and it will dictate the remainder of the format alongside Hyper Librarian. Librarian is a mouthful for another day and that day will appear soon since it becomes legal in a week. Some duelists are upset that Konami released this card and complain nonstop. However my advice is to silence the complaints. Konami fucks up a large amount but as duelists it is our responsibility to put up with the bullshit of each format. Either use the broken theories of certain cards and strategies or strategize dilligently and effectively to dominate these broken strategies.

That's all for Reborn Tengu. Thanks for reading.

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