I splashed this card in my Quickdraw Dandywarrior build for the sake of integrating an additional combo, along with Krebons and Mind Master. Currently I do not regret this decision. If I draw Krebons first turn it's a solid defense because it can negate an attack for 800 life points. If I draw Mind Master early it will end up in the graveyard and then it is a target for Junk Synchron if Doppelwarrior is in your hand. That whole combo is something I don't feel the necessity of mentioning because everyone should know it...
With Emergency Teleport an additional synchro summon can occur and with Librarian on the field it will increase your advantage further. Summoning Mind Master can let you synchro summon with a token to summon Formula Synchron and draw 1 (2 if you control Librarian). You don't have to summon Formula though; you do have a full extra deck of options and Teleport will let you choose between a 1 and 2 star tuner if they are both in your deck. Also, I should mention that Mind Master is a light target for Chaos Sorcerer and Krebons is a dark target.
Unfortunately this strategy is only effectively splashable in Plant/ Doppel/ Water Synchro builds. It just simply doesn't fit anywhere else (except crappy psychic decks...). Of course you could play some random Chaos deck and integrate this strategy as well. This post is a little short but it shall do for today. Enjoy trying Emergency Teleport if you wish.
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