Mario here. Before you read the post make sure your knowledgable about the following cards:
Rescue Rabbit is to be released in the set "Photon Shockwave" and the TCG will face this card in about 5 months from now. Rescue Rabbit = Instant Exceed or Instant Synchro or possibly both (invidually of course since exceed monsters cannot be used as synchro materials). Rescue Rabbit can be splashed into X-Sabers and Gladiator Beasts (and a few random builds) but Rescue Rabbit gives birth to the following deck:
3 Rescue Rabbit
3 Kabazauls
3 Hydrogeddon
2 Treeborn Frog
2 Fishborg Blaster
3 Genex Undine
2 Genex Controller
2 Effect Veiler
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Water Spirit
3 Battle Fader
1 Tragoedia
3 Moray of Greed
3 Pot of Avarice
2 Enemy Controller
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Giant Trunade
1 One for One
1 Foolish Burial
Extra Deck:
1 Evolkaiser Ragia
1 Steelswarm Roach
2 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Tech Genus Hyper Librarian
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Orient Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Shooting Star Dragon
1 Shooting Quasar Dragon (or Tech Genus Halberd Cannon if SQD is not available by then in the TCG)
Assuming the September 2011 banlist does not attack any of the cards used in this build, I can create this deck with the TCG release of Photon Shockwave (even if some of the above cards get attacked further by the list I can make superb edits). Rescue Rabbit can make a Ragia or Roach first turn and can manipulate alternative actions later in the game. The player that can succesfully utilize Rescue Rabbit first will instantly gain advantage and possibly become victorious shortly afterward.
I have proxied and playtested this deck a few matches against my current Quickdraw build (Taking into consideration Priority will be abolished by the time Rescue Rabbit is released) and this build is truly relentless. Multiple Rescue Rabbits in a single game is extremely difficult to overcome. Not to mention Hydrogeddon summons another one from the deck when it destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard. Then "pain" phase 2 consists of an exceed summon and/or maybe a synchro summon or two as well. Consider this: Fishborg Blaster + 2 Hydrogeddon/Kabazauls = Trishula and Fishborg Blaster + Treeborn Frog + 2 Hydrogeddon/Kabazauls = Shooting Quasar Dragon after some Librarian bonuses.
I realize this is still a long way away but the brokenness of this card must be analyzed and experimented immediately. Konami is on the verge of printing another card that can impact the metagame on its own, similarly with Reborn Tengu and Librarian. Fortunately since the OCG and TCG will release this card only with a distance of a few months it will hopefully become banned in the March 2012 list. I think Konami wants to print this card to create diversity and to challenge the powerful decks on the next format. Unfortunately Konami released a card that's extremely broken and will squeze into any deck that it can "rescue" and dominate everyone else. "Rescue Dinosaurs" is what I choose to name this build and it will be... the next top tier deck.
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