We have Supreme Arcanite Magician.
We have Gaia Drake.
And we have Naturia Exterio.
And Synchro Fusionist.
I get a nice little twich in my panties when I think about combining the two monster types together so I started thinking of ways to do it.
Draco Equiste is good in decks that like dragon synchros and warrior type monsters. So, you can definitly main miracle synchro fusion and side super poly if you were playing stricter Junk-Doppel. You can push yourelf into Dragon plays and if they die you have a spell card that summons a 3200 beater.
That resists burn. Hoo-rah.
Draco Equiste has some plays against Sams that get greedy with Shi En-Barkion lock. Using Super Poly in heroes means that all your oppenent has to do is waste resources to summon a dragon so the -1 of the spell card is counted for.
Supreme Arcanite Magican!
Synchro spellcasters we hate to see and love to play, Librarian and Arcanite.
Non-synchro spellcaster that is seen in lots of decks, Veiler! Im going second, my opponent drops Kagemusha, Doomcal, Debris, anything a Veiler can screw over.
My turn, Junk Doppel crap assuming it goes off and you go into a Librarian.
Youve drawn your Miracle Fusion and after synching off the Formula and Librarian for regular Arcanite to pop some cards you can summon Supreme Aracnite to destroy or even draw two more cards. At this point there might be very few cards left on the field, so just sit on the fusion.After that he is still 1400/2800.
Gaia Drake.
Derp, just use summoner of Illusions.
Summoner of Illusions to tribute a token or something to summon a Gaia Drake that is immune to Summoner's drawback.
Old combo is old.
Naturia Exterio!
You dont need to waste extra deck space on Barkion!
Just use Naturia Beast and King of the Swamp in a Hero deck!
Future fusion for Gaia!
Drop Ehero and Glow Up.
Normal a Wildheart or a Woodsman, summon Glow up, make a Beast.
Pitch King of the swamp from hand to search a poly.
Miracle Synchro Fusion into Exterio.
That is a turn one play but this combo is easily set up into.
Run the right cards to make an easy beast and just dump a Swamp.
Swamp is a Debris target so there are some level 7 dragon plays, not to forget Gugnir which can just toss the poly you searched to blow up a card you dont like.
What if you draw the glow up?
Run some other support to further mix that plant-ish engine in, One for One, Enemy Controller, even
Fusing it with a poly.
Im not saying go all out with the staple five but its possible.
Your normal summon can be a Debris or even Junk play and then use Miracle Fusion and Miracle Synchro Fusion respectively to futher spam the field.
I'll do up decks and more combos that make the summoning of these cards easier to perform at a competitive level. I'll be starting with Draco-Equeste.
Comment either on Facebook or here about some ideas you make have.
Misfact- Kagemusha isn't the one you want to Veiler, It's Kageki.
ReplyDelete*Ripped from Wiki, 1 way to get out Draco*
ReplyDeleteThis card is powerful in a plant Deck. Summon "Twilight Rose Knight" and Special Summon a Level 4 Plant monster and tune into "Black Rose Dragon" for a full field nuke. Then play "Miracle Synchro Fusion", removing "Black Rose Dragon" and "Twilight Rose Knight" to summon this card for a clear 3200 attack.
Alternatively, you can Summon "Marauding Captain", then Special Summon a Level 4 Tuner.
Another way is to use Super Poly, sending your opponents gay Stardust/Shooting star to grave.