Sunday, August 7, 2011

Generation Force Sneak Peak: What Happened that Day!

Mario here. Yesterday well Jon was building up credit for us in Belleville I travelled to a little bigger town for the sneak peek called Peterborough. My mission was to obtain the cards that I needed. So here's what happened that day...

I headed up to Peterborough with four other card players. The ride took a while because of the 3 different old people driving their cars at 80km an hour when it was a 100km per hour zone. Also we were afraid that the car was going to stop working at any moment and death could've been a resulting factor. That delayed our arrival a little bit but rest assured, after yelling and swearing at the old drivers and having faith in the car we finally reached our destination an hour and 50 minutes later...

We arrived at the card shop in Peterborough (I don't know the name) only to realize that they were out of spots for the actual sneak peek tournament. My Belleville groupies and I were upset at that disappointing news and I almost entered crying phase. Actually Konami fucked up because they only sent enough packs for 11 players to enter when the owner said they were suppose to deliver more. The shop had to turn away 15 people. Looks like Konami fucked up again, not surprising at the slightest.

This is the part of the story gets interesting. Normally I'm very quiet, shy and introverted but for the sake of advancing at a children's card game I broke through all my social barriers and exploded into a Yu-Gi-Oh nazi, whore and monster (those are what my Belleville colleges referred to me as throughout the entire day). I simply transformed into Super Mario for the day. In the time-span of 90 minutes I went through every person's trades, all 22 people that were in the shop excluding the people I came here with.

The best pulls at the sneak peak were an Orient Dragon and an ultimate Elemental Hero Nova Master. Within 20 minutes I had both of the cards and I even hugged the guy who I received the dragon from. By the end of the day I also traded for both Masked Heroes and a Vision Hero Trinity. It was unfortunate no one pulled a Steelswarm Roach or Leviair. Then I traded for various good cards and the last cards I needed to build.... WORMS!!!!

Overall I was the craziest, most successful person in the shop that day. The following is quoted from Facebook from one of my groupies yesterday witnessing my events: "he went nuts at one point he was trading 3 people at once. he hugged a guy cause he sold him a orient dragon. he was moving faster then any normal human being should" "ever see the faces little kids get when they pull cards we all know suck horribly but they think are so amazing........Mario had that look all day". This description is quite accurate. I did make sure however I only traded and bought good cards, not bad cards. Again, I simply transformed into Super Mario that day.

Afterward we went for lunch at the mall in Peterborough (again I don't know the name of this place). I wanted to relax and let loose after the event so my lunch consisted of four Big Macs and then I finished off someone's fries, scaring everyone I was with. I was hungry... Anyway after that we headed back to Belleville finally, did some final trades and I played a match with Richard (one of the guys who came with us to Peterborough). He played zombie plants and I played six samurais. I won the match 2-1 while crashing at the same time. I went home afterward, ate dinner and then exercised for like 3 hours to burn off all the food. The day was a good one indeed and the people of the Peterborough shop will never forget the face of Super Mario, the crazy Italian!

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