Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Double Regional Challenge

As I've already mentioned on previous posts, I will be attending Regionals on April 6th and April 13th. Since I have my invite, I don't need to stress out or partake in extreme playtesting. Still, I'm interested in getting another invite, since I've never gotten two invites in one year. I intend on playing a serious deck, and these are the options:

Fire Fists - I was probably going to play this deck at the previous Regionals if I wasn't screwed over and backstabbed. I can only utilize this deck if my Bears actually come in; I've been waiting for about 5 weeks now, and it's under really suspicious circumstances... The deck though is really good. It's simple and doesn't require significant thought, though significant thought can make a tremendous difference. I haven't seen enough skilled action with this deck, besides my own playtesting, so I'm not even sure of the abilities that can be unlocked with a little thought.

Dino-Rabbit - This is the other Tier 1 deck of the format, besides Mermails and Fire Fists. Again, this deck doesn't require a significant amount of thought, though you need to be smarter with this deck: This deck punishes you if you misplay, unlike Fire Fists. Macro is pretty good, along with Laggia and Dolkka. I've said this numerous times lately...

Wind-Ups - This deck is still explosive, and is pretty good at maintaining and increasing advantage. It requires significant more thought and skilled combat, unlike the previous format. I swear, this deck is the ultimate XYZ toolbox just like how Plants/ Junk Doppel is the ultimate Synchro toolbox.

Six Samurai - This deck can consistently summon Shi En, Beast, and/or Barkion turn one. It gains significant advantage with Gateway and United, and it can main Macro. This deck is too controlling and explosive to ignore.

Prophecy - Currently, this deck isn't being heavily sided for, which makes it an interesting option. I'm also getting more comfortable with the deck; learning its plays. This deck does require a greater level of skill to pilot than any of the above decks, until Spellbook Judgment Day is released...

That wraps up this post. I will be attending Locals at least once this week, and next Friday for sure. I've already tested Six Samurai and Dino-Rabbit at Locals recently, so I'll likely select the other options to truly experiment with them.

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