Monday, March 11, 2013

Looking Ahead with Mermails

Right now, the community is split between Genex Mermails and Mono-Mermails. However, which version is better, and how good will Mermails be the rest of the format? These are all questions I will try to answer in this post.

Current Format:

It would appear that Mono-Mermails, in my opinion, are superior to Genex Mermails. The explosive power this deck has is amazing against any deck that doesn't pose a serious threat, like Macro Rabbit. The sheer ability to spam level and rank 7s, and the advantage and OTK potential with Abyss-squall makes this deck an overwhelming force.

Genex Mermails are somewhat more controlling, because Undine is amazing at manipulating the situation. Though the deck isn't as explosive, or plays as many level 7s like Mono-Mermails, it can still OTK consistently.

Over the weekend, I couldn't help but overlook Genex-Mermail vs Mono-Mermail matches. From what I witnessed, and what topped, Mono-Mermails were performing stronger than the Genex Version. It would appear that for right now, Mono-Mermails are better.

Hidden Arsenal 7 Onward:

This set will be releasing everyone's favorite standalone XYZ monsters: Daigusto Emeral and Lavalval Chain. The set also enables Lavals, Constellars, and the terrifying Evilswarms, playable. Though Lavals and Constellar will be a powerful force, I will discuss Evilswarms because I believe that they will be the more powerful deck.

Evilswarm Ophion prevents anyone from summoning Abyssmegalo, Abyssteus, Abyssleed, and any Synchro monsters. This poses a serious threat to Mermails, and that Ophion needs to be defeated as quickly as possible. Besides the normal ways to deal with Ophion, Mermails have Atlantean Heavy Infantry at their disposal. While the Mono-Mermails have a couple methods of unleashing Infantry's destructive power, the Genex variant can simply summon Undine and send Infantry to the Graveyard like that, and boom goes the Ophion! Once Hidden Arsenal 7 is released, I believe Genex-Mermails will statistically be the better Mermail variant.

Tachyon Galaxy Onward:

Arguable the most broken set ever to be released in this game, Tachyon Galaxy creates a few Tier 1 decks because of certain cards in the set. The new, unquestionable Tier 1 decks upon release will be Spellbooks and Elemental Dragons, and they will rampage the format by storm. Other decks like Machina Gadgets, Dragunities and Madolches will receive a significant boost.

With the complete Tier 1 list of decks appearing to be Spellbooks, Elemental Dragons, Mermails, Fire Fists, Dino-Rabbit and Evilswarms, I personally believe Though Mono-Mermails have the explosive power to compete with Elemental Dragons and Spellbooks, I believe the deck will need more control to better compete against the other decks, especially Evilswarms.

Also, I would like to point out a couple things regarding Mermails in the OCG. First of all, they are playing 1-3 Tidal, Elemental Dragon of Cascades. Second of all, some players are utilizing a limited Spell count and Anti-Spell Fragrance to combat Spellbooks. Finally, the Genex and Mono-Mermail variants have an equal showing currently amongst each other. I wonder if one 1 variant will surpass the other in the end.

Final Thoughts:

Mermails will definitely be Tier 1 all the way until the end of the format, and the deck is definitely an option for me to take to Nationals (YAY I can say that!!). I personally believe that the Genex variant will be better in the long run, though anything is possible. I will definitely be giving Mermails attention for the next few months.

On a final note, at one point in my Regionals playtesting, I toyed with merging the two variants together, and it showed some pretty interesting results. Who knows, maybe I will work on this a little more and perhaps I can make it broken...

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