Hypno will put Snorlax to sleep, then you can use its Reverberating Snore (5 energy, 180 damage) which can be used only when asleep. This will knock out most strong basic Pokemon, making it fantastic.
Unfortunately, the Internet also came up with this idea. I was considering blogging about this idea when the card was first revealed, just so I could be the first. Moving on, I've searched the Internet, and I have not found anyone draft any decklists for this idea. I will be the first, and here it is:
2 Snorlax GX
2 Solgaleo GX
2 Darkrai EX (Breakpoint)
1 Yveltal EX
2 Shaymin EX
1 Yveltal (XY Base Set)
2 Drowsee (Breakpoint)
2 Hypno (Breakpoint)
4 Professor Sycamore
2 N
1 Lysandre
1 Hex Maniac
1 Pokemon Ranger
4 Max Elixir
4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzle of Time
4 Trainer's Mail
3 VS Seeker
3 Fighting Fury Belt
1 Super Rod
1 Level Ball
2 Parallel City
7 Dark Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
Snorlax GX is the main attacker, but needs Hypno to get going. Darkrai EX is the other main attacker. Dark head does 160 damage for 3 energy, if the opponent's active Pokemon is asleep. Again, this is where Hypno comes in. Solgaleo EX is there for its ability, Ultra Road. You can switch your active Pokemon with one of your benched Pokemon, once per turn. If you don't have Snorlax ready to go, after you use Hypno's ability, just switch whatever your active Pokemon is with Darkrai EX, and start attacking. Additionally, if the energy requirements for Sol Burst are achievable, this will be a great help to the deck.
The rest of the Pokemon have their specific purposes. Yveltal EX is the attacker if you need it. Yveltal is there for energy acceleration. Shaymin EX is there to draw cards. Finally, Drowsee is there to evolve into Hypno.
The Supporters are really straight-forward: Sycamore and N let you draw cards, with N providing late-game assistance, if necessary. Lysandre is to get any knockout that's required. Hex Maniac should be used after you use your Pokemon Powers (Hypno and Solgaleo GX), then your opponent can't use powers. Finally, Pokemon Ranger is there to stop annoying things, like Jolteon EX for example.
Max Elixir is the energy acceleration that's needed in this deck. It also lets you play the Dark Pulse route of Darkrai EX, if necessary. Ultra Ball, Trainers' Mail and VS Seekers are all staple. Puzzle of Time is a card I think would fit well, as getting any two resources in the late-game would be amazing. Fighting Fury Belt gives Snorlax GX extra power and HP. With this, it can knock out Zygarde EX and an opposing Snorlax GX. Super Rod is there for recovery of resources. Level Ball searches Drowsee or Hypno.
Parallel City is my stadium of choice, as this deck will have an upfill fight against Mega Rayquaza. I didn't find any other stadium I liked, so I included this one. It also lets you participate in stadium wars with your opponent, as sometimes, the opponent will need their stadium
That's all for this list. I'm sure it will be edited in the future. All I wanted to do was get this out there, and get people thinking about. I'm hoping we get Snorlax GX soon...
L O L and how are you supposed to get solga out
ReplyDeleteI know right